
GET-AHED – Kick off

The kick-off meeting of GET-AHED took place from March 2-3 in Vienna, Austria. It was hosted by WPZ Research and representatives from all project partners joined the fruitful and intensive work meeting in the premises of the Austrian Ministry for Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

The agenda included presentations of the different work packages, milestones and deliverables, a brainstorming on international examples of related platforms, the contents and the usability and of course the next steps. An important point of discussion was the installment and work process of the project management board as well as the involvement of the associate partners and their activities including the reflection on the recruitment of students and experts. 

Maria Keplinger, representating the BMBWF as an associate partner in the project, joined the meeting for an exchange on the linkages to public HE policy.