
GET-AHED mid-term work meeting

As the project GET-AHED started in February 2023, we have almost reached the mid-term mark. This point in the project’s timeline constitutes an important moment to reflect on what we have achieved and to discuss and coordinate the next steps.

We held our mid-term work meeting at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, with participants from all project partners in or online.

The agenda of Day 1 included important decisions on the user groups, development and fine-tuning of the methodology on deriving the indicators, discussions on the linkages between the different work packages, presentations of best practices of existing tools but also a discussion on re-ordering the dimensions to reflect the users‘ way of thinking. Day 2 was dedicated to general discussions and reflections of Day 1 as well as the next steps in the project and regarding the dissemination activities. More information

The meeting provided a great opportunity for participants to network and to get a better understanding of the next steps and the result of GET-AHED, a digital platform providing HEIs across the EU with a range of online tools to enable them to implement the EU’s Green Transition and Green Education and Training priorities.